

這班總是讓我驚艷,他們在情緒表達上的呈現,而且記得之前我們所做過的每件事。我特別在口語演講單元中加入肢體及情緒,好給他們一些挑戰,但他們完全沒有問題。 Sara今天真的令我印象深刻,她成長了很多,剛加入課程的時候,她很ㄍㄧㄥ,害怕看起來很蠢或放鬆。像今天我們在工具書單元中,她問我她是否能將答案寫在白板上,接著她起身站在大家的面前,讓所有人的目光都集中在她身上,並不是件容易的事,但她仍勇往直前,很棒! This class never ceases to amaze me. Their work on emotions and remembering everything we have previously done is breathtaking. I make their speech lines rather difficult by adding movement and emotions to them, and they never have any problems with them! Sara really impressed me today, she really has grown so much!…